Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Next for Cameron - Immigration?

David Cameron so enjoyed goading Gordon Brown about Saturday's threatened British Airways strike, and Unite's involvement in both the dispute and the Labour Party, you have to wonder if the Tory leader wants the stoppage to happen so he can continue trying to make political capital out of the misery of passengers. George Osborne sitting next to him was as excited today as I've ever seen him. We know BA doesn't want it to go-ahead(unless it's on a secret union busting mission), the Unite leadership's looking for a way out and Brown's desperate for it to be resolved. But Cameron? I half expect him to order Tory MPs to volunteer to push trolleys and serve drinks.

Ed Vaizey told the truth - Cameron's far more Right-wing than he lets on. The Tory leader's more at home playing the union card than playing with huskies. It's Cameron not Labour or Britain that's going back to the 1970s, reverting to Tory union bashing. What next as Cameron retreats into his comfort zone - playing the race card? A lot of his unreconstructed party are urging him talk more about immigration and he may be tempted, particularly when Tory Towers is congratulating itself over the attacks on Unite.

I made a private vow earlier today not to bother posting again on Stalybride and Hyde until the Labour selection result's know. I was beginning to worry I was becoming obsessed. But I've heard shortlisted Barbara Roche has pulled out and Floyd Millen's threatening to do likewise. The reason is James Purnell and Peter Mandelson insisting - rules or no rules - that Purnell's mate, Johnny Reynolds, be included on the shortlist. Well done boys. What a fiasco.

And for those who like to keep an eye on selections, Valerie "sister of Keith" Vaz won the Labour nomination in Walsall South.

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